Friday, July 30, 2010

Where's America Heading?

Unless we forget about politics and start representing our own interests, as Americans, we won't be able to stop the trend. It's unfortunate but most of us don't really know, or have seen, how much suffering is going on in this country and the politicians, all of them, have done quite a job of reflecting all the negatives. We simply don't know the reality and unfortunately we don't seem to realize that we're ALL going to be affected. We're at a point where this nation could go to hell in a hurry and forever.

The American people have really been fed a bunch of crap and too many of us have bought into it. This begs the question, why should men and women fight for a country where their families are suffering at home, some homeless, some without jobs, while we're pouring money into rebuilding other countries, most of them corrupt. Would you spend money you don't have while your family is homeless or doesn't have anything to eat?

It seems to me that it is not only our kids that are not getting an education but all of us as well. Most haven't realized that our government no longer represents us and our damn representatives need to serve a limited time and then go HOME!

We're all fighting each other over policy that hasn't been working for decades regardless of which party is in office. We have a billionaire and a multi-millionaire buying offices now in Florida. One a Democrat and the other a Republican. One has spent over 21 MILLION dollars of his own money...and that's the only reason we even know who in the hell he is..the other owes, supposedly, 1.87 million to a country where he anchored his huge yacht and damaged a coral reef.

So this is what we've become ...a nation where after having made your millions you buy a political office. Is it important...yes, it is because the right person, the one who likely cares cannot run for office any longer.

You may all get pissed off but I'd bring our troops home not only from the Middle East but from other places as well limiting our forces to strictly a killer forces. In other words small but deadly as hell. Then I'd make it crystal attack us in any manner and we'll exterminate you bastards. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. However, no more financial help we're not your Daddy anymore. We need to take care of our own first..

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