Here is the truth about Obamacare that should be read by everyone. Are we going to put up more years of doing nothing?
I am sure you are aware the Individual Mandate and the basic health plan system is the old Republican and Heritage Foundation format to deal with “free riders” and to make everyone accountable for their health care. They started with this project back around 1989 or 90. Now, the President has proposed basically what the Republicans wanted. Each person is responsible for their own healthcare.
Attached is a piece at the bottom of this page showing the Heritage Foundation and Republican history on the individual mandate and this type of health insurance legislation. There was an excellent letter to the editor in Fla. Today this morning by a Rockledge lady, Barbara Walton, who is a long time Republican, pointing out this very fact. This is what she wrote...
"As a Republican since 1976, I applaud the adoption and proven legal legitimacy of any law promoting self-reliance and personal responsibility.
The principles underlying Obamacare were first developed by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, in the early 1990s as a sensible alternative to the Clinton health care proposal. They were widely promoted by a Republican majority Congress under Speaker Newt Gingrich beginning in 1994. A Massachusetts plan derived from that model and enacted by Republican Gov. Mitt Romney has resulted in 98 percent of that state’s population having health coverage, and the highest customer satisfaction rate for health care in the nation.
So, America now has a fiscally responsible (as scored by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office) plan developed, advocated and first enacted under Republican stewardship, subsequently embraced by President Barack Obama and a Democratic-led Congress and finally upheld by the Supreme Court.
This is how our country is supposed to work. Good ideas should be enacted. Credit should be given and received where it is due. And Republicans should be above partisan politics when it comes to desperately needed health care reform. That they are not says an enormous amount about our party’s leadership, none of it good".
I know there is little room anymore for moderates in the Republican Party—Do you think the intellectually honest Republican will also be driven from the party? I say that because I have never known whack job extremists on the left or right to be very tolerant of persons who express a logical, intelligent, honest view on subjects. Exhibit 1 of evidence in that regard is seeing logical, intelligent, honest moderates like Senator Richard Lugar lose in a Republican primary to a right wing extremist who does not have a thimble full of the knowledge Lugar has. Lugar will go down in history as not only a great Republican but also a great American.
Do you think the current Republican opposition to the bill, which is very similar to Romneycare in Mass., is simply because Obama said he would go along with the individual mandate in order for there to be healthcare for all citizens? In other words, does what the Republicans want suddenly become what the Republicans do not want once Obama says it is OK?”
Written by a Republican
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